Tues., Nov. 27, 2012

Objectives:  Research on star types
Announcements: All work must be in by Thurs.
Opening Data: 3 methods to find exoplanets
Questions:  Use the internet to research these...
    1.  Explain the difference between a type I supernova and a type II supernova
    2.  How does gravity warp space-time?  Include some sketches that explain
    these ideas.
    3.  Describe & draw (if possible) and label a blackhole including the accretion disk,
    the event horizon and any other terms you come across in your research.
    4.  What masses of stars eventually become white dwarf stars, what masses make blackholes
    and which become supernovae?
    5.  What will the sun become in various stages of it's life?
    6.  Why can't we send a probe into a blackhole to discover more about them?

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